Welcome to my homepage!
My name is dr.Jenő Oláh. I’m a sole attorney at law in Debrecen city, Hungary.
I've became an employee advocate in 2013, after 9 years of experiences as a company lawyer. In that time I focused on areas of law I hadn’t been able to work on earlier as a company lawyer. So, I mainly worked on criminal cases as a defence attorney, and I worked on family-law and status-law litigations, for example: divorce, trusteeship issues, and child support cases, and on registration of companies to the registry court.
Naturally, I also worked on classical civil-law issues like I had worked on earlier as a company lawyer, for example litigations between debtors and creditors, sues for damages, and real estate cases. Our law-firm also worked on cases stem from our partner lawyer firms with my personal work-activities in Budapest.
I’d been working as a company-lawyer for 7 years at a co-operative bank called ‘Alföld Takarék Szövetkezeti Hitelintézet’, and at its predecessor companies.
My activities were as a bank-lawyer: Pleading and representation on litigation procedures, warrant for payments, enforcement proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings.
From 2004 to April of 2013 I was a part time employee company-lawyer at more small enterprises, often in parallel time. I worked on typical commercial law-cases, tax-law and labour-law issues and debt and creditor cases.
I've became a self-employer attorney at law – as a sole attorney – on April of 2014 at the BAR of Debrecen
Look the areas of my activity, please click here >>
My strongest points: commercial-business law, pleading in actions at law, warrant for payments, diligence proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings.
Do you want to do a business-deal or to start an enterprise with a Hungarian firm? Please take advantage of our full company information-service! Please click here >>
I really hope you are interested in my services!
Yours sincerely,
attorney at law
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This hompage is maintained by Jenő, Dr. Oláh, a member of the BAR of Debrecen.
It is adequated to the advocate-law and other professional rules.
You can find those here: www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu Look the rule called
" 5/2008. (X.27.) MÜK Szabályzattal módosított 8/1999. (III.22.) MÜK Szabályzat"